BS”D Parashat Balak 5784

BS”D Parashat Balak 5784

HaShem began the Torah describing His act of creation out of nothing, thus establishing His “ownership”. It dawned on me that every parasha in Bereisheit has to do with Jewish possession of the holy land. For example, let’s consider two seemingly unrelated incidents: the first international war, and Akeidat Yitzchak.

BS”D Parashat Shlach 5784

BS”D Parashat Shlach 5784

Hardcore Torah-true Jews will never forsake the millions and millions of Jews who came before. From the time of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai through such time that we will have proven ourselves worthy of the honor of being the chosen nation, we remain steadfastly Am Israel.

BS”D Parashat Be’ha’alotcha 5784

BS”D Parashat Be’ha’alotcha 5784

We were caught unprepared due to the overconfidence of the IDF, and cycles of broken leadership – egocentric, ineffective communication, divisiveness, and out of touch with the average Israeli. How can we remedy the situation and restore our merits in the eyes of HaShem?

BS”D Bechukotai Parashat 5784

BS”D Bechukotai Parashat 5784

This week’s parasha begins with the gift and challenge of free-will that distinguishes us from all other species in HaShem’s creation – giving us the freedom to make choices that can lead to blessings or curses.

BS”D Parashat Behar 5784

BS”D Parashat Behar 5784

The Writing on the Wall – Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 3:16: In the place of judgment (courts) wickedness (corrupt judges); in the place of justice, wickedness (personal interest).

BS”D Parashat Emor – Yom Ha’atzmaut 5784

BS”D Parashat Emor – Yom Ha’atzmaut 5784

If and when it becomes apparent that the “time has come” it could be too late to attend to your personal interests. You will want to sell your home, but so too will many other Jews and the price you get will not cover the cost of 2 rooms in Yerushalayim.

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