Social Media Channels


Excerpts from and links to Rabbi Kahana’s articles are published via email and on these social media channels. You are welcome to follow and join Rabbi Kahana’s social channels via the links below or subscribe to his email newsletter.

Facebook page


Telegram channel 


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This is a broadcast-only group (only the administrator can post messages to it). You may request to join this group to receive excerpts from, and links to, Rabbi Nachman Kahana’s articles, podcasts, videos, books and news (frequency is usually 1 to 8 times per month). This is not an interactive group, you will not be able to contact Rabbi Kahana via this group.

Rabbi N Kahana Parasha WhatsApp Group Rules

Because we value your privacy, all members must agree to the following:

  1. I agree to receive 1 to 8 messages per month via the Rabbi N Kahana Parasha WhatsApp group.
  2. I understand that only the group’s Admin is allowed to post messages to the group.
  3. I will not collect contact information of other users in the group.
  4. I will not violate the privacy of members of this group.
  5. I will not contact any of this group’s members for any purpose (e.g., solicitation, harassment, etc.), unless that person is known to me outside of this group and has agreed to be contacted by me.
  6. I understand that violation of rule number 3, 4 or 5 of these rules will result in my permanent removal from this group.

To report any violation of the rules of this group, please use this form to notify us. Thank you.


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