
Parashat & Current Events

US and Israel flags

BS”D Parashat Bo 5785

In our yeshiva we played a make-believe game centering around the question: if Israel and the US went to war against each other, on whose side would you be? Could it ever happen?

IDF soldiers pray at the Kotel

BS”D Parashat Va’eira 5785

A wise rabbi once said: “Though we cannot understand why things happen to us, but at least we can prepare for their eventuality”.


BS”D Parashat Vayeishev 5785

Something big is happening now in our world; changes which are on a Biblical scale. Changes so sudden and extreme that political analysts, commentators, and rabbis preparing Shabbat drashot need to appraise events beyond the present and then wait for reality to set in.

Ahava - Love in Hebrew by Robert Indiana

BS”D Parashat Vayaitzai 5785

What are the telltale signs of true love? The desire to be close to the person one loves; the need to communicate, to be understood and to understand each other; the desire to give more and more without expecting anything in return; and to see only the good and forgive that which is less than good.

BS”D Parshat Chayei Sarah 5785

On the 34th Yahrzeit (18th of Cheshvan) of my brother Ha’Rav Meir David Kahana Z.L.: Four Eulogies

Maccabi Tel Aviv fans injured in clash with pro-Palestinians

BS”D Parashat Vayera 5785

This new phase in our redemption process will be followed by similar antisemitic actions across the western world and beyond. What transpired in Amsterdam is a prologue of what to expect in the near future in Paris, London, Rome, Lisbon, Madrid, and on the other side of the Atlantic – north, central and south.

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump are seen during their meeting at the King David hotel in Jerusalem 2017

BS”D Parashat Lech Lecha 5785

Israeli political and military leaders were delighted that President Donald Trump, a proven and dependable friend of Israel, will soon be returning to the White House. Under friendly administrations, the USA acted as a big brother to Israel, but what happens when the younger brother seeks independence?

IDF soldiers of the religious battalion of Nahal training for infantry service

BS”D Parashat Noach 5785

On the face of it, the issue of drafting hardcore Haredim is complex and controversial. When in reality it’s a one “main-shock” issue that began 130 years ago with the beginning of political Zionism, that has over the years produced secondary after-shocks.

Sukkot Birkat Kohanim

BS”D Chol Ha’Moed Sukkot 5785

HaShem blesses humanity through the blessings He showers upon His chosen people Israel. When we are blessed so too is all humanity blessed.

Attribution: ארכיון הצילומים קקל, הצלם יעקב שיין

BS”D Sukkot 5785

This Sukkot the Jewish people are fighting to defend our religious and historic rights to our homeland in this hostile, belligerent, malicious, hateful, virulent, fanatical part of the world. But the story does not end at our borders. For whatever the dangers facing us in our holy land, the sword of Islam is far wider than the distance between the “river and the sea”. Chag Sukkot Sameach!

Avinu Malkeinu

BS”D Parashat Shabbat Yom Kippur 5785

The current situation is meant to propel Medinat Yisrael to the exclusive status of world leader, nothing less! It is HaShem’s answer to our request:
Our Father, our King, raise high the pride of Yisrael Your nation.
Our Father our King, raise high the pride of Your anointed one (the Jewish nation or the mashiach).

Shana Tova

BS”D Rosh HaShanah 5785

May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life and merit the final redemption of Am Yisrael, as we walk together to the Temple Mount, to the dwelling place of the Creator in this world.

Books by Rabbi Nachman Kahana

Reflections from Yerushalayim

Reflections from Yerushalayim by Rabbi Nachman Kahana

Thoughts on the Torah, the Land and the Nation of Israel

Described as an engaging and uplifting adventure of the spirit, bringing a vital message for the Jewish people, by Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold, Reflections from Yerushalayim is a compilation of original philosophic and hashkafic perspectives, ideas and opinions that Rabbi Kahana has gleaned during his many years in Israel. [Read more…]

Mei Menuchot Series

Mei Menuchot

Explanations of the Tosefot Commentaries

Rabbi Nachman Kahana is the author of the Mei Menuchot series and in celebration of his 50th Aliyah Anniversary in 2009, and the blessings that life in Israel has brought him, Rabbi Kahana made available *free of charge* these electronic versions of Mei Menuchot, which represents 40 years of his Torah work. [Read more…]

With All Your Might Volume 1

With All Your Might Volume 1
Volumes 1A & 1B

Based on Rabbi Kahana’s weekly parasha and holiday messages of the past several years, the title is taken from the verse in the kriyat shema prayer (see introduction below for explanation). The major thrust is to show that the Torah was given to the Jewish people to be kept in Eretz Yisrael, and that the 2000-year-old punishment of exile has ended. [Read more…]

With All Your Might Volume 2

With All Your Might Volume 2

On the Torah

“For Rabbi Kahana, a chacham, a Kohein, and a navi, is kol ku’lo Eretz Yisrael, his entire essence is the Land of Israel, and the embodiment of our sages’ adage, “Whoever resides in the Land of Israel is likened to one who has a God” (Ketubot 110:b). Indeed, the reader will find that studying Rabbi Kahana’s Torah is truly to see the Torah through the pure, unadulterated eyes of Eretz Yisrael.” Rabbi Chaim Richman [Read more…]

Photos of Yerushalayim & Surrounding areas

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