New Release! Reflections from Yerushalayim

New Release! Reflections from Yerushalayim

I’m happy to share with you news of the release of Rabbi Nachman Kahana’s new book, “Reflections from Yerushalayim”! It is a compilation of original philosophic and hashkafic perspectives, ideas and opinions in 7 areas of contemporary Jewish life, the history of the Jewish people, and insights into various Jewish rabbinic sources.

Mei Menuchot Volume 3: Rosh HaShana

Mei Menuchot Volume 3: Rosh HaShana

Just in time for the chagim! Rabbi Nachman Kahana has just released Mei Menuchot Volume 3: Rosh HaShana (original Hebrew version) in three e-Book formats. AND through the chagim this $18 value e-Book is available free of charge as a gift from Rabbi Kahana to you....
Mei Menuchot Volume 3: Rosh HaShana

Mei Menuchot – Kedushin now available

As the celebration of his 50th Aliyah Anniversary continues, Rabbi Nachman Kahana has just released *free of charge* the electronic version of Volume 8 Kedushin from his Mei Menuchot; Explanations of the Tosefot Commentaries. Previous free releases include Volume 1...
Mei Menuchot – Volume 2 Pesachim now available

Mei Menuchot – Volume 2 Pesachim now available

As the celebration of his 50th Aliyah Anniversary continues, Rabbi Nachman Kahana has just released *free of charge* the electronic version of Volume 2 Pesachim from his Mei Menuchot; Explanations of the Tosefot Commentaries. Volume 1 Brachot/Baytza/Megila/Chagiga was...
NEW RELEASE! With All Your Might Volume 2

NEW RELEASE! With All Your Might Volume 2

I have exciting exciting news for those of you who have enjoyed With All Your Might Volume 1A and 1B The Torah of Eretz Yisrael in the Weekly Parashah… With All Your Might Volume 2 On The Torah has just been released! Based on carefully selected weekly parasha...
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