BS”D Parashat Bo 5785

BS”D Parashat Bo 5785

In our yeshiva we played a make-believe game centering around the question: if Israel and the US went to war against each other, on whose side would you be? Could it ever happen?

BS”D Parashat Vayeishev 5785

BS”D Parashat Vayeishev 5785

Something big is happening now in our world; changes which are on a Biblical scale. Changes so sudden and extreme that political analysts, commentators, and rabbis preparing Shabbat drashot need to appraise events beyond the present and then wait for reality to set in.

BS”D Parashat Vayaitzai 5785

BS”D Parashat Vayaitzai 5785

What are the telltale signs of true love? The desire to be close to the person one loves; the need to communicate, to be understood and to understand each other; the desire to give more and more without expecting anything in return; and to see only the good and forgive that which is less than good.

BS”D Parashat Vayera 5785

BS”D Parashat Vayera 5785

This new phase in our redemption process will be followed by similar antisemitic actions across the western world and beyond. What transpired in Amsterdam is a prologue of what to expect in the near future in Paris, London, Rome, Lisbon, Madrid, and on the other side of the Atlantic – north, central and south.

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