
BS”D Parashat Ki Taitzai 5780

Rabbi Nachman Kahana


The Secret to Defeating the Enemy


Devarim 23:

(י) כי תצא מחנה על איביך ונשמרת מכל דבר רע… (טו) כי ה’ א-להיך מתהלך בקרב מחנך להצילך ולתת איביך לפניך והיה מחניך קדוש ולא יראה בך ערות דבר ושב מאחריך

9) When you are encamped against your enemies, distance yourselves from all impurities… 15) For the Lord your God is present in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that He will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.


The following are quotes said by great men of Am Yisrael before going out to battle. Can you make the association?



הצילני נא… כי ירא אנכי אתו פן יבוא והכני אם על בנים

Save me, I pray… for I am afraid he will kill me and the mothers with their children


אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו בשם ה’ אלהינו נזכיר:

המה כרעו ונפלו ואנחנו קמנו ונתעודד:

ה’ הושיעה המלך יעננו ביום קראנו:

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

HaShem, give victory. The king will answer us when we call!


אתה בא אלי בחרב ובחנית ובכידון ואנכי בא אליך בשם ה’ צבאות אלהי מערכות ישראל אשר חרפת

היום הזה יסגרך ה’ בידי והכיתך והסרתי את ראשך מעליך ונתתי פגר מחנה פלשתים היום הזה לעוף השמים ולחית הארץ וידעו כל הארץ כי יש אלהים לישראל:

(מז) וידעו כל הקהל הזה כי לא בחרב ובחנית יהושיע ה’ כי לה’ המלחמה ונתן אתכם בידנו:

You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defiled.

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I shall behead you and will give the carcasses of the … army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel


ויאמר … אל הנער נשא כליו לכה ונעברה אל מצב הערלים האלה אולי יעשה ה’ לנו כי אין לה’ מעצור להושיע ברב או במעט:

And … said to his young armor-bearer, let us go to the positions of these uncircumcised men. Perhaps HaShem will act in our behalf. For nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether from many or from few.


חזק ונתחזק בעד עמנו ובעד ערי אלהינו וה’ יעשה הטוב בעיניו:

Let us be brave and for the sake of our nation and the cities of Hashem our Lord and HaShem will do that which is right in His eyes


שמע ישראל אתם הקרבי היום למחמה על אויבכם על ירך לבבכם אל תיראו ואל תחפזו ועל תערצו מפניהם, כי ה’ א-לוהיכם ההולך עמכם להלחם לכם עם אויבכם להושיע אתכם” -ד

Listen Yisrael. Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them. For the Lord your God will accompany you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.


.ואין מעצור לפני שמים להושיע ברבים או במעטים. כי לא ברב חיל ניצחון המלחמה ומן השמים הגבורה

There is no constraint before HaShem in Heaven to save the many or the few for victory does not depend on the numbers of combatants, but on the heavenly decree


ה’ תן בי ענווה תן גבורה ותן בי את חכמת הלב על מנת שאדע להוביל את האנשים הללו באתגרים הניצבים בפנינו“.

HaShem grant me humility, grant me courage and wisdom of the heart so that I shall know how to lead these men in the challenges that await us.



1 Our father Ya’akov when preparing for battle against Aisav

2 King David

3 David before killing Golyat

4 Yehonatan son of King Shaul before attacking the Philistine army

5 Yoav ben Tze’ruya before his battle against Amon

6 The Kohen appointed for War

7 Yehuda Hamacabee

8 Brigadier General Ofer Vinter two weeks ago on his appointment as commanding officer of the Aish division.


The above Jewish greats were not contemporaries and the names of their enemies were different, but they shared a common understanding that victory is not guaranteed by the number of troops or tanks, but by the courage of the soldiers and the will of HaShem who shall be victorious.

In this matter Brigadier General Ofer Vinter stands shoulder to shoulder with our father Ya’akov and the others. Indeed, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Tzahal for whom fear of the enemy does not exist because in their hearts is the fear of Hashem.


IDF soldiers pray at the Kotel

IDF soldiers pray at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day, which marks when the IDF reunified Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War. From left to right, the soldiers belong to: Kfir Brigade, Golani Brigade, Paratroops Brigade, Givati Brigade, Nahal Brigade.


Precursor of the Mashiach


I write this now because of what I believe is the change awaiting the Medina as the precursor of the Mashiach.

The Creator is forever deliberate, purposeful, and intentional; where every blade of grass, grain of sand, and every entity in the universe has a useful purpose. So, for what purpose is the present pandemic serving the people in Eretz Yisrael?

The coronavirus is creating a chaotic situation in the political arena which is filtering down to all walks of life: economy, education, tourism, Torah institutions, etc. And the call for a fourth national election in a year and a half is never far away.

Our secular democratic system of government, as all others, is based on the premise that the source of authority and morality is Man himself. He is the “tree” in the middle of Man’s Garden of Eden. The Knesset is empowered to legislate Shabbat, kashrut, define what is marriage, who can marry and who is a Jew. In fact, every matter of life can be controlled by the 15 members of the Israeli Supreme court, and all but three of the Justices are secular. The time has come for a basic change which will bring us closer to displacing mortal Man and restoring HaShem and His Torah to the center of the “Garden”.

The chaos will by necessity force the military to seize the helm of power in order to restore some semblance of stability to the Medina.

The leverage that the religious segment in the country has over governmental decisions is minimal, whereas the ever-growing number of religious soldiers has a greater influence in the army. In a military government Torah principles will be a more pervasive force in the life of the Medina.

This is the overall schematic plan, in my view:

► Pandemic

► Political paralysis

► Power struggle

► Suspension of democratic institutions

► Charismatic military-religious personality

► Restoration of Halacha as the binding law of the land

► Restoration of the Monarchy and the Sanhedrin

► Yerushalayim and the Bet Hamikdash.


The time frame – ten to twenty years be”h, if not sooner.


Be careful, Be healthy, Be Here!

and for the Jews in America remember: JLMM Jewish lives Matter More


Shabbat Shalom,

Nachman Kahana

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