
BS”D Parashat Be’ha’alot’cha 5777

Rabbi Nachman Kahana


Where is it written?

Our parasha relates how Moshe attempted to convince his father-in-law Yitro not to return to Midyan, but to join with the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael (Bamidbar 10,29-30):

כט) ויאמר משה לחבב בן רעואל המדיני חתן משה נסעים אנחנו אל המקום אשר אמר ה’ אתו אתן לכם לכה אתנו והטבנו לך כי ה’ דבר טוב על ישראל

ל) ויאמר אליו לא אלך כי אם אל ארצי ואל מולדתי אלך


29 And Moses said to Hovav son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses’ father-in-law, “We are setting out for the place about which the Lord said, ‘I will give it to you.’ Come with us and we will treat you well, for the Lord has promised good things to Israel.”


30 and He answered, “No, I will not go (with you) but rather to my own land and my own birth place.


Rashi explains that Moshe enjoined Yitro to remain after Yitro witnessed the great miracle that HaShem had done for Am Yisrael. But Yitro was adamant to return to Midyan because of his property or family responsibilities.

Sounds familiar?!


Halachic Source Obligating Jews to Live in Israel

A few days ago, I received an e-mail from a gentleman living in the galut requesting that I send him my halachic source for obligating one to uproot himself and his family from their comfortable galut life in order to come on aliya.

My answer to him and to many others like his was: I have a wealthy friend who went to a Rolls Royce dealer in one of the major cities in the USA to consider purchasing a deluxe model. As the salesman was explaining the great benefits this car can bring to the owner, my friend inquired, “How is the car on gasoline?” the salesman relied, “Sir if that’s your question then this car is not for you.”

I explained to the person on the other side of the internet that if your question is “where is it written?” then Eretz Yisrael is not for you. Permit me to elaborate on my reply to the gentleman.

Asaph, one of the leading Levi’im (Levites) in the Bet Hamikdash, envisioned a future grand coalition of enemies who will be very willing to wage war on the Jewish nation, with “boots on the ground”.

His prophecy appears in Tehillim (Psalms) 83:

(א) שיר מזמור לאסף

(ב) אלהים אל דמי לך אל תחרש ואל תשקט אל

(ג) כי הנה אויביך יהמיון ומשנאיך נשאו ראש

(ד) על עמך יערימו סוד ויתיעצו על צפוניך

(ה) אמרו לכו ונכחידם מגוי ולא יזכר שם ישראל עוד

(ו) כי נועצו לב יחדו עליך ברית יכרתו


1 A psalm of Asaph.


2 O God, do not remain silent; do not turn a deaf ear, do not stand aloof, O God.


3 See how Your enemies growl, how Your foes rear their heads.


4 With cunning they conspire against Your people; they plot against those You cherish.


5 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”


6 With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against You.


Their intent will be to eradicate the name of Israel with a grand coalition.

Asaph enumerates the members of this future coalition:


(ז) אהלי אדום וישמעאלים מואב והגרים

(ח) גבל ועמון ועמלק פלשת עם ישבי צור

(ט) גם אשור נלוה עמם היו זרוע לבני לוט סלה


7 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, of Moab and the Hagrites,


8 Byblos, Ammon and Amalek, Philistia, with the people of Tyre.


9 Even Assyria has joined them to reinforce Lot’s descendants.


The Malbim (Meir Laibish ben Yechiel Michal) comments on Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 32:17 regarding a future coalition which will come up against the Jewish State (translation):

It will come to pass in the end of days, after the Jewish people will return to the land of Israel, that the nations will come together in order (with the intent) to capture Yerushalayim.

The prophet names the nations who will come. Gog, the king of Meshech and Tuval from the north and west who are uncircumcised and called “Edom”, who are the descendants of Yefet living now in Europe. And Paras, Kush, and the House of Turgama who are all circumcised and adhering to the belief of Yishmael, will join with the children of Edom to attempt to capture the Land of Israel from the Jews.

But when they arrive, they will create chaos among themselves and make war on each other. That is, Edom (Europe) will make war on Yishmael because their beliefs are different.

And there, God will judge them in sword and blood as stated by the prophet Zecharia (Zechariah), chapter 14.

And here the prophet (Yechezkel) relates how they all will be lost; and singles out Egypt, Ashur (Syria) and Elam (Iran) who adhere to the religon of Yishmael and are today circumcised. He then mentions Meshech, Tuval and Edom, their kings and princes from the north (Europeans) who are all uncircumcised.

And between them there will be a war. The first to be utterly destroyed will be the Egyptians, who are the closest to the Land of Israel and will come forward first and fall. Then the Assyrians and Persians will come to avenge their ally and they all will be destroyed.


If the Malbim lived today, he would have been more specific, as follows:

It will come to pass in the end of the exile and the Jewish people will return to the land of Israel, that many nations will come together in order to attempt to capture Yerushalayim.

The nations who will come are from the north and west and include the European Union and the nations which comprised the former Soviet Union who are all uncircumcised and called “Edom”, the descendants of Yefet living now in Europe and adhere to the Christian faith. And Iran, the Arab peoples, and the House of Saud who are all circumcised adhering to the faith of Yishmael, will join with the children of Edom to attempt to capture the Land of Israel from the Children of Israel.

But when they arrive, they will create chaos among themselves and make war on each other. That is, the Christians from Europe will make war on the Muslims, because their beliefs are different.

And there, God will judge them in sword and blood as stated by the prophet Zecharia, chapter 14.

And here the prophet (Yechezkel) describes how they will be lost. He singles out Egypt, Syria and Iran who adhere to the religion of Yishmael and are circumcised. Then Meshech, Tuval and Edom, their kings and princes from the north, who are uncircumcised, and between them will be a war.

The first to be utterly destroyed will be the Egyptians, who are the closest to the Land of Israel, who will come forward first and fall; then the Syrians and Iranians will come to avenge their fallen ally and they all will be destroyed.

Asaph ends with the following prayer:

14 Make them like tumbleweed, my God, like chaff before the wind.


15 As fire consumes the forest or a flame sets the mountains ablaze,


16 so pursue them with Your tempest and terrify them with Your storm.


17 Cover their faces with shame, Lord, so that they will seek Your name.


18 May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in disgrace.


19 Let them know that You, whose name is the Lord — that You alone are the Most High over all the earth.


We are now witnessing the implementation of these prophecies


This week our enemies Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt broke all ties with Qatar who is aligned with Iran. Syria is a broken nation splintered into 100 factions. Jordan is about to slip into disintegration.

Sunnis hate the Shiites, and even within themselves they are dysfunctional. The Aisavs (Esau) of Europe are waking up and they will soon re-open their concentration camps for further use.

And within all this chaos, Israel is beneath the radar.

And this is just the beginning of HaShem’s vengeance on the enemies of Am Yisrael.


The answer to the “where is it written” question

To return to the gentleman who is looking for a source for aliya… To witness these and all the other startling events in Eretz Yisrael, and still ask for a source in Jewish literature for the redemption of Am Yisrael, is like asking a learned rabbi in the middle of August when the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius and the humidity 98% for a psak (halachic decision) declaring that it is summer! Such a person does not need a rabbi, but rather a very good psychiatrist. One who is still searching for a source for what is happening today in Medinat Yisrael (the Land of Israel) rather than believe his own brains, eyes, and ears, would do well to seek out a very good Israeli psychiatrist.

Shabbat Shalom,

Nachman Kahana

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